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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction: This policy covers , is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information whilst striving to provide the very best user experience. We want our websites to be safe and enjoyable for everyone. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 and related laws, we have a legal duty to protect the personal information we collect from you.If you have any concerns, questions or comments about this privacy policy or the website you can contact us using the contact details in paragrap 6 of this policy.
  2.   Maintenance and storage of information:
       for now we don't store Your information.
  3.  Links to other websites: this website contains links to a wide variety of other websites and we display advertisements from third parties on our website. We may monetise some of these links through the use of third party affiliate programmes. Notwithstanding such affiliate programmes, we are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these websites or for third party advertisers, even if they use the website’s logo as part of a co-branding agreement, nor for the way in which information about their users is treated. Before submitting any personal information to such websites, you should check their privacy policy.
  4. A note for parents concerning privacy: this website is a general audience website. On the website, we do not currently knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of sixteen. If, in the future, we collect personally identifiable information from children on the Website, we will do so in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations including, without limitation, obtaining parental consent where necessary. The Internet offers children wonderful educational and entertainment resources. Your guidance and involvement are essential to help ensure that children have a safe and rewarding online experience. We encourage you to visit www.google.co.uk/goodtoknow/familysafety and the GetNetWise website to learn more about parental control tools.acy policy and our terms of use. We may amend this privacy policy and the terms of use from time to time. If we do so, we will post an updated verPolicy changes: By using this website you agree to the terms of this privsion on this website. You will be bound by the new terms upon your continued use of this website. 
  5. Security: In accordance with our requirements under the Data Protection Act 1998, we will adopt appropriate security procedures to help prevent unauthorised access to your information. Future shall not be liable for any attempt to hack or crack or otherwise gain access to any part of this website including any of your information. 
  6. Questions about this website and the information we hold about you: if you have any general questions or the information about this website, you can contact the Future New Media Team at Future Publishing Limited,     contact us (nortec.contact@gmail.com)

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